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Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

Burial of the Placenta

Decorating A House For The Birth Of A Baby

Copper T loop (IUCD)

Owning A Barber Shop


Why can’t a menstruating woman touch the Qur’an? It bothers me that she’s considered impure. I feel left out when menstruating.

Salawat and Salam For The Prophet ﷺ

What are the purification rulings related to household cats?

How The Prophet ﷺ Treated Menstruating Women

Hold Your Tongue! Stop The Sins of Backbiting & Gossiping

Eid Prayer & Recommended Acts

Can I make du’a against someone who hurt me?

Lighting Fireworks on Eid

What is the difference between Sunan of Abu Dawud and the Marasil of Abu Dawud?

Is there any particular Islamic teachings for the first night of marriage?