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What to Cut When Slaughtering

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Sidi Moustafa Elqabbany

According to the Shafi’is, what is obligatory to cut when slaughtering an animal? Anatomically speaking, where is the location of the ”gullet.”

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


The tube that carries air to the lungs is called the windpipe or trachea. It looks like a ridged pipe. Between this tube and the vertebrae lies another tube that carries food and drink to the stomach; this is the gullet or esophagus. The esophagus resembles a thin rubber tube. The following link illustrates the position of these tubes in a human neck. The necks of sheep and cattle are very similar.

See: http://www.netwellness.org/imagepages/1118.htm 

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate. May His blessings and peace be on His Beloved Prophet, the best of creation, and his family, companions, and followers


Both the windpipe and gullet must be completely cut before the animal dies in order for it to be validly slaughtered according to our school.

Allah the Exalted knows best.

Moustafa Elqabbany
Metro Vancouver, Canada

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