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Seeking black magic cure from a Hindu guru, is it permissible?

Buying Shares With The Intention Of Capital Gain  

Rulings related to the Friday sermon (khutba)

Different types of insurance…

Can a grandfather give zakat to his grandchildren whose father died leaving nothing for them?&n

Selling permissible items but referring to conventional financing

Blood Transfusions and Donations: A Detailed Explanation

Is it permitted to be a police officer in the West? 

Giving Qurbani (udhiya, the ritual slaughter) in another country for past obligations

Monetary Penalties on Late Payment: If a Customer Delays in Paying, Can we Charge him for this

AUDIO: Abortion and IVF – The Shariah and Medical Perspective

Platinum Rings 

Is it permitted to stand up for others, like scholars and righteous people?

Gambling and football tournaments

Mobile/Cell Phones during Hajj in Mosques