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Vows and Oaths 

Immunisation is vaccines are produced from haram sources

For Hanafis, when one forgets to sit and say the tashahhud after the second rakat, then stands,

What is the proof for fasting three days if one broke an oath, and how come in the Hanafi Madhh

Facing the Imam or qibla during khutba

Halal soaps, toothpastes, shampoo

If one person in the family is giving qurbani do the other family members have to do qurbani as

Selling cruxifixes in my jewelry shop

Eating during Eclipses?

Zakat and mortgages

Witr After Tarawih In Ramadan: When Did This Begin?

Is it permissible for one to do the pelting of stones, during the hajj, on behalf of one’s par

Why no sunna before Maghrib prayer, when there are hadiths indicating the contrary

What to do when trying to catch a congregation and there is an incomplete row

The Definition between Subh Kadhib (False Dawn), Subh Sadiq (True Dawn) & Shuruq (Sunrise)