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Is it recommended to raise one’s hands during the du`a in the Friday sermon?

Audio: Ghazali’s Ihya’ `Ulum al-Din: Why did the ulema devote so much attention when there are so many fabricated hadiths in it?

What is the ruling of music in the Shafi`i school?

One call to prayer in a town for all the mosques

Distance between the feet while praying

Sending blessings on the Prophet between rak`ahs of tarawih

If a woman enters the mosque when Friday prayer is taking place does she have to perform the Fr

Does putting drops in one’s nose, ear or eye break one’s fast?

Dyeing hair for the husband

Sending blessings on the Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) while performing the

What is the ruling of a prayer behind a person who reads from a mushaf (copy of the Qur’an)?

Congregation: Standing alone in the back when joining late, is it permissible?

Is it haram to play cards? Please explain why

Switching Schools During Prayer

Which scholars should one follow?