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Is Friday prayer invalid in the West?

Does the imam have to tell the followers that he didn’t have wudu?

Combining Prayers without Cause

Wearing Things Made of Silver

Is it wrong to like knowing the proofs behind the rulings

Will taking a blood test break my fast?

A cat died in front of my house. Is it obligatory for me to bury it? How?

If a man refuses to spend on his wife, saying that she works and spends on herself, is it permi

Backbiting is worse than fornication

Worldly Talk in the Mosque

Charging an agent to divorce for one

Should one confess or conceal one’s sin?

When is a hajj pilgrim permitted to have someone else stone on his behalf?

Does informing one’s wife that one has divorced her count as another pronouncement of divorce?

Is it sperm or discharge?