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Wudu with a Cast or Bandage

Can one hold Qur’an tapes without Wudu

Applause: permissibility according to its need…

Piercing one’s belly button

Must we wash the deceased twice if she died while menstruating?

Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in the bathroom: is it offensive?

Relinquishment in the Shafi’i school

Is it permissible to keep birds in cages?

Is it recommended to wipe the back of the neck in the Shafii school?

When Does One Become a Mahram Through Nursing?

Removal of uterus due to uterine fibroids

Fears About Burying Dead Animalsl

A comprehensive book of supplications    

Arriving late for the group prayer  

Is modest dancing permitted for women? What are its limits and guidelines?