Amali Ad-Dilalat Wa Magali Al-Ikhtilafat (Semantic Indications and Spots of Difference)
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Semantic Indications and Spots of Difference
Answered as per Maliki Fiqh by
Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah
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This answer was collected from, which contains of feature articles and fatawa by world renowned ‘Alim, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, from Mauritania.
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- A woman who suffers regular white vaginal discharge .if after waking up in the morning she is ... certain that no wetdream and no lust during sleep.
- Dua for spots
- A description of the animal Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) slaughtered for udhiyah/qurbani
- Disagreement Is a Source of Mercy!!
- 1)would like to know if popping spots which blood and puss comes out breaks he fast or only wudo
- Can One Pray in Clothing from Which an Impure Substance has Just been Removed?