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how to wipe out after Istinjah ?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
Q.1 In Shariah the Istikharah is Important or the Mushwarah ? Before I do any thing which is more important.
Q.2 Every day I pray salat-ul-Zuhr in D.I.C (downtown Islamic center) and couple brothers have a full fist beard but the chairman of D.I.C lead the prayer and he told the brother who work there no one allowed to lead the prayer if any member of the board is present and board member mostly have no beard one or two but not according to hriah and I pray behind them my question Jamat is important or the beard of the Imam ? Please guide in the light of quran and sunnah.
Q.3 What is the sunnah tariqha of how to wipe out after istinjah , I heard must be 7 times 4 times from front to back and three times back to front , please guide me what is the sunnah tariqha?
how to wipe out after Istinjah ?
Both of these things are important, in some cases a person has to seek consultation from people, and in other cases a person has to pray istikhara. If something pertains to the individual then he should pray istikhara but if things pertain to the society or collective people then he should seek consultation.

All the places of the prayer in the downtown area are not masajid but they are only musallas. They have no particular time fixed for the congregation, different people come in at different times and they pray in small groups.

According to the law, those people who are entitled to the leadership should lead the prayers. Such as one of the requirements to lead is to have beard. We should try not to create dissension amongst people. For example, if someone does not have a proper beard to lead then we should pray by ourselves. And if people ask we should just tell them that based on our school of thought we don’t commit major sin openly. Also, praying behind the person who does not have a proper beard is impermissible. We are not fasiq and we don’t pray behind them. If once in awhile, someone prays behind such people it is not a problem. However we should not make a habit of this, the prayer in this case will be accepted. We should not allow such people to lead either rather we should lead ourselves.

The prophetic way is that a person should use the tissue paper three times if he is defecating and then use water. Also, the person should try to avoid excrement from touching other parts of his body. Also sometimes based on the weather conditions a person’s body reacts differently. So a person should be mindful in cleaning himself whichever method is better. If going from the front to the back is more convenient than the other way around then one should do that. The jurists say it so that people can take precaution in their cleaning process. If a person does not have any fear of smearing his excrement then there is no limit as to how many times he can use the tissue paper. In reality, we resemble the tissue paper with the brick rocks that were present during the time of the profit. And he had said that his companions should use the brick rocks at least three times. If a person needs to use more than three times then he should keep the number in odds.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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