I have the following questions:
1) If dishwashing detergent falls/splashes on my clothes do I have to change them before offering salah? I don’t know if it has any animal ingredients.
2) I know it is not allowed to teach the Quran and take money, but I heard that you are allowed to take it for the time you spent on teaching. I teach some kids but don’t charge them so please clarify and provide some Hadiths and Ayaats if possible. What if I charge, but put the money in sadaqah because these kids’ parents don’t take it seriously. They think it’s for free and don’t force the child to put in an effort.
3) The masjid Hifdh program needs a female teacher to teach the girls in the Hifdh department. I am going to volunteer for now but I want to know if it is okay to teach because if I do then we get a monthly salary and I don’t know if it is permissible for me to take that salary. Is it permissible for me to teach and take the salary?
Lastly, I asked a question 2 times 2 months back but still didn’t receive a reply, is there any way I can get that questioned answered?
JazakAllah and May Allah reward you all for this amazing effort!

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق
- It’s not necessary to change clothes for the Salah due to the splash of dishwashing detergent, Salah will be correct without changing clothes although the soap ingredients are not known.
- The فقہاء متاخرین (jurists of this time) have declared permissible to take wages for teaching Qur’aan Majeed per necessity, therefore, there is no harm in taking fees from the children and after taking the fees whether you use it yourself or give in Sadaqah, both are correct.
- Your teaching as a lady teacher in the Hifz program run in the Masjid without the wages or with the wages, both are correct, to take a salary is also correct, however, the intention should be to teach and the pleasure of Allaah T’aalaa.
- We have updated responses to all previous questions online. May Allaah T’aalaa reward you for your patience.
واللہ اعلم بالصواب