I have read in a few books that tazkiyatun nafs only through a Shaykh is fardh and in some places it says wajib. The Daleel they use is ‘WA YUZAKKIHIM’ from the Qur’aan.
Does this mean that all those who do not go through the means of a Shaykh will be sinful for missing a Fardh or Wajib according to them?
Can Tazkiya not be achieved by living a simple life?
Those who also are very sinful, can tazkiya not be achieved through regret, repentance, salah and du’aa?
I do not refute seeking guidance from s shaykh or scholar which is why I am asking here too. I do not deny that there are plenty more benefits having a spiritual guide who is already close to Allah.
My concern is how easily scholars say it’s is Fardh or it is Waajib. Please correct me if i’m wrong and may Allah forgive me if i’m wrong.
Assalamu alaikum
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