Q: I have a sister and she is 25 years old and I am her elder brother. Recently we have fixed my sisters marriage with a person who I know. Now I came to know she loves another man, so personally me, my brother, my mother and father tried to contact the boy who my sister loves. When we asked him he says that he don’t want to marry my sister. I did my utmost level to make my sister marry the person she loves but he don’t want to marry her at any cost and he keeps giving excuses of his parents.
Now my sisters marriage is already fix and my sister says that whatever my parents say she will do. I am concerned about my sister and I want to see her happy.
A few days back I spoke to her and explained to her, so she said she will marry with the person her parents wants. Somtimes she is happy somtimes she is sad. I don’t knw what to do. Will I be accountable infront of Allah if she married to the person of our choice.
A: No. If you felt that he was the best person you could think of you will not be answerable.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)