Q: I got married in 2004 and in the begining my husband gave me 2 talaaqs in extreme anger after that we made ruju. We got three kids Alhumdulillah and now two weeks ago my husband asked me I give you divorce. You want me to give in anger? It was just a question he asked me but he asked like that and in reply I was quite that time. Please tell me where we stand now And I also want to tell you we both don’t know anything about talaaq. Before we found out one week ago all the terms our concept was like different about it. Please help us. We are worried.
A: If he intended that ‘I give you the talaaq that you had wished for’ then one talaaq has fallen. And added to the previous two it becomes three and he is no longer permissible for you and you are out of his nikaah. Hence you are stranger to him.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)