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Questions on Shuraa

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Assalamualaikum Dear Scholars in Islam,

I would like to know if the Ameer who has been rightly elected based on his qualities by the majority student members of an Islamic Society at University. In such case After the Ameer has consulted the Shuraa and has taken all the executive members opinions and views on a certain matter would the Ameer have the final “Say”, Approval, or authority on any matter?

Or shall all decision be passed through the Shuraa by majority vote all the time?

Can also a Muslimah be the President (Ameer) of an Islamic Society in a University?

Can you please enlighten me on this matter as it is urgent and is creating a lot of Fitnah in my University? I would appreciate if you can address the question as soon as possible with evidence of Qur’an, Sunnah, and other good Examples.

We have a public meeting on the 7th of June 2005 regarding this matter so I would so, so much appreciate an early response.

May Allah SWT give long virtuous life to all the Aalims.

Jazakallah Khair





  1. The decision made by the Ameer should be based on the strength of substantiation forwarded in the Shura.  In these days, the strength of an argument is determined by majority of votes, therefore the Ameer should pass a decision in light of the majority.  If the Ameer feels that the view held by the majority of the members is irrelevant then he should not make a rash decision, rather he should carefully give thought to the various prospects.  After reaching a suitable decision he should present it to the Shuraa, emphasising the benefits of his view in such a manner that would appease the majority of the members and then pass a decision accordingly.  In short, a decision should be passed in favour of the majority as there would be less harm in doing so.
  1. It is incorrect for a Muslim lady to become a leader over all the Muslims, e.g. president, minister, etc.  However, according to her potential, she is allowed to hold the position of Ameerah in such issues which do not require her to act in a manner contrary to Shari’ah.  In the time of the Prophet (S.A.W.) certain women acted as Ameerahs on behalf of the womenfolk.  Hazrat Umar (R.A.) assigned certain affairs of the marketplace to a Sahabiyah, Hazrat Shifaa (R.A.).   (Al-Isaabah)

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



08 June 2005

01 Jumaadul Oola 1426

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