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Question on Qadhaa Salaah, etc.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Assalamualaikum , please guide with the following questions:
1. For Qadhaa Salaah, is it permissible or not to read Iqaamah ?
2. Is it permissible to read 2 ,3, 4, or more Qadhaa Salaah in a day for one Salaah. I mean can I read 2 or 3 or more Fajr Qadhaa Salaahs in one single day?
3. Is it permissible to eat food made from the hands of a non-muslim?
4. Is it permissible to eat with a non-muslim in one same dish?
5. In our Qur’an , it is stated that friendship with non-muslim is not permissible. I would like to know the complete details for this, as I am an Indian, and you can very well understand why I need to know this?
6. I was standing just behind the Imam, because of invalidation of Wudhu, the imam walked backwards, and I had to become Imam with out breaking our Niyyah. And so I followed for the rest of the prayer. Is this permissible, and under what circumstances?





1.      It is Sunnah Muakkadah to give Iqaamah for every Fardh Salaah including Qadhaa Salaah. (Ad-Durrul Mukhtaar, Vol. 2, Page 48, Ahsanul Fataawaa, Vol. 2, Page 281)

2.      You are allowed to do so if the Salaahs missed are more than six. If it is less than that, then you should observe the proper sequence between the Salaahs.

3.      One is permitted to eat the food prepared by a non-Muslim on condition there is certainty with regards to its lawfulness and purity. (Fataawaa Mahmoodiyah, Vol. 14, Page 56-57)

4.      If one’s intention is to have a positive impact on the non-Muslim by means of sharing a meal with him, then it will be permissible to do so if one is certain that the utensil is Paak and the food Halaal. It is Makrooh to share a meal with a disbeliever with no intention of drawing him towards the Deen of Islam.

  (Fataawaa Raheemiyah, Vol. 6, Page 282, Fataawaa Mahmoodiyah, Vol. 5, Page 101)

5.      In Surah Mumtahinah, verse 1, Allah mentions: O you who believe! Do not take My enemy and your enemy for friends, that you extend friendship to them when they have denied the true religion which has reached you.”

The scholars of Tafseer, while commenting on this Ayah state that Allah forbids the believers to maintain a close, hearty relationship with the Kuffaar. One is allowed to have a relationship with them based on business or in order to have a positive impact on them by encouraging them to accept the true way of life, Islam. (Ma’aariful Qur’an, Vol. 3, Page 310)

6.      The method adopted by you was correct.

Mentioned below are a few important conditions to be observed when appointing a deputy Imam in Salaah:

1)      The deputy Imam should be appointed before the actual Imam leaves the Masjid (the area where Salaah is being offered)

2)       The deputy Imam should be someone who is worthy of leading the prayers, an immature child should not be appointed as Imam.

3)      It is not necessary for an Imam to be appointed by the actual Imam, it is correct for the Musallis to appoint an Imam or one may go forward willingly.

(Ahsanul Fataawaa, Vol. 3, Page 310)

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Ebrahim bin Zainul Abedeen Backus

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



26 March 2005

15 Safar 1426

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