Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Mufti Sahab,I want to know about the reality of tableegh for women? I often go in tableeghi jamats with my husband or my son but now some people have started saying that tableegh is not for women,Its only for men.So Can we go in tableeghi jamats with our husbands or sons? Is this lawful and contains Sawab? Is there any difference between men and women in tableegh? Please send me proper evidence from Quran and hadith so that I can give them a proper answer?…………………Faiza
الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
Let It be known that necessity of learning Deen is, many times far more important for Females insomuch as it is important for Males since it is their laps which do the primary service of a nursery school so effectively that eventually could turn the child to be Pious and God-fearing or Immoral and Obscene. Therefore if Females wish to go out with their Mehrem (With whom marriage is prohibited in Shari’a), observing strict Shar’i Parda, for the purpose of acquiring religious knowledge, there is no prohibition in Shar’i point of view in it. However it is also to be noted that it is not Fardh or Wajib that Females should go in Thabligh alone to seek religious knowledge, rather, it is possible for them to learn while remaining indoor in their residences as well. Positively, this is an Era of Fitna, Trials and Chaos, and Irreligiousness is so common that the flood of it is hastening forward. Therefore if Females could take care of the following conditions and go place to place for Thabligh then there is an allowance in doing so. If these conditions are not adhered to then it is not permissible for them to go in Jama’ath. And the conditions are as follows:
1Permission of the guardian or husband.
2In case of Shar’i journey, accompany of Mehrem or husband is compulsory.
3No fear of any Fitna.
4Not to leave with adornments and decorations or with applying perfumes of fragrance.
5Arrangement for complete Shar’i Parda in places where the Females stay and no interference of non Mehram Males whatsoever.
6Not to be overheard the voices of Females to non Mehram Males during the process of learning.