Respected Sir, I want to ask a question about Halal Edibles. Here in Germany when we go on inivitation at some Dinner or Lunch by a non muslims then we find dishes made of chicken and beef and mutton also alongwith pork. I mean every flesh is in a different pot. I want to ask that can I eat that chicken, mutton and beaf just by saying Bismillah? or it is also haram for me because it is not cut by the standard method as cut by us muslims or as directed in Islam like saying Takbeer and cut only the throad not spinal chord so that maximum blood get out of the body.
I consulted that with one of my indonesian friend and he refered me a Hadith from Bukhari and he told me that you can eat that beef, chicken and mutton by just saying bismillah. I also want to clear that halal meat is available in stores here in germany but when I am inivited by non muslims then he might feel bad about me when I only eat vegetables or nothing when vegetables are not there.
I request you to guide me according to Quran and Hadith
الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
It is necessary for a slaughter to be valid that, the slaughterer be a Muslim or an Ahl e Kithab and he slaughters at least three veins in the neck of the animal saying the name of Allah. Therefore if the questioner participates in functions of Ahl e Kithab and he (Host) slaughters the animal as per the said method it is correct and permissible to consume meals made out of meat of such chicken, mutton or beef whereas it is not permissible to consume food made out of animals slaughtered by other Kafirs. And it is necessary to refrain from participating in functions of Kafirs as much as possible whether they are Ahl e Kithab or others since the Sharia has prohibited in having intimate connection with them as proclaimed by Allah, the Almighty.
As for the referred Narration of Bukhari Shareef is concerned, it is in connection with the newly converted Muslims during the beginning of Islam and not about the slaughtering of Kafirs and that too was mentioned only with the purpose of removing the doubt, else, the ruling in the light of Qur’an and Sunnath is the same as mentioned above.