(Fatwa: 2217/1807=B/1429)
In this age, it is safer for everyone to arrange his religious affairs and construction of his worship house on ones own. However, if it is certain that they will not exploit Muslims later and the Muslims will not be so obliged to them by partaking in their customs or shrinking from their Islamic duties, then it is allowed to accept it. (Imdadul Fatawa 2:664, Fatawa Rahimiah 9/10:163)
Also, every endowment which is a cause of reward between them and us, then it is allowable to accept their donation for the same, as it is mentioned in Shami:
إن شرط وقف الذمي أن تکون قربۃ عندنا و عندھم کالوقف علی الفقراء أو علی مسجد القدس بخلاف الوقف علی بیعۃ فانہ قربۃ عندھم فقط أو علی حج و عمرۃ فإنہ قربۃ عندنا فقط (الشامي 3:392)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband