During night if i have nightfall i have to take gusl for paki .my ques. is that if i wear a kurta,pajama,underweaer , suiter or jacket so the clothes like suiter is also become napak or not? i have to wash them or i can wear it after gusl.
(Fatwa: 502/502/M=1432)
If the pyjama or underwear is smeared with impurity, they got impure. If there is no impurity on the sweater, jacket etc they shall remain pak (pure), you can wear them after having ghusl of janabah without washing them. And if the impurity was only on the body and there was no impurity on the clothes, then no cloth was impure, you can use any of them after having ghusl.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband