Can a Muslim male doctor works as a Gynecologist?Which involves touching/seeing the sex organs of the woman? Islam has not permitted to see even the face of woman other than wife .sister and Mother.If a Muslim male is Gynecologist,what he should do?Change his profession? What woman should do?Do woman can go and get checked by male gynecologist?Please clear the matter urgently.
(Fatwa: 791/661/B=1432)
If a Muslim doctor is a gynaecologist he may see the satr of a woman if required only as per needed and may have their check-up as well. However if any woman gynaecologist doctor is available, a woman should go to her for check-up and should avoid going to male doctor for check-up.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband