Assalamu Alikum, I have taken loan (Interest free) from 2 relatives Rs 15000 & Rs 10000 while going to Hajj. Inshallah I am planning to repay Rs 15000 next month, Inshallah I will be having even extra Rs 10000 next month, but I am planning to pay Rs 10000 next to next month Inshallah (i.e., August) as I am now in Kolkata, whereas I am from Tamil Nadu, I am thinking to keep this 10000, keeping in mind for some emergency, say to go to Tamil Nadu etc. Both of the relatives are not asking for money. Do let me know what should I need to do in this situation, do I have to pay that Rs 10000 next month itself or I can pay next to next month, where I will be having Inshallah another Rs 10000 extra after getting my Salary. Do let me know can we keep some amount for emergencies, is it permissible in Islam. Please let me know as soon as possible.
(Fatwa: 1598/1272=H/1430)
It is makrooh to delay the payment of debt in view of uncertain (emergency) needs. Therefore, you should pay it as soon as possible. None knows how long he will live. These matters are proved from hadith.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband