(2) To clean naapaaki which is not visible from body part only water pouring (sirf bata dena) is sufficient or we have to rub the part.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 507/562/L=5/1438)
(1) In the question mentioned above, if the effect of the impurity appeared on the body i.e. the smell of urine is felt from the body then that part of the body shall become impure and it is necessary to wash it.
نام أو مشى على نجاسة أى يابسة إن ظهر عينها تنجس ، المراء بالغين مايشمل الأثر لأنه دليل على وجودها وإلا لا (الدر مع الرد: 1/560 ط: زكريا ديوبند)
(2) The best method to clean the body is that water is poured over it and rubbed by which it is sure that the impurity is vanished. However, if the water is poured to such an extent that the impurity is removed then too the body shall become pure.
وإزالتها إن كانت مرئية بإزالة عينها ، وأثرها إن كانت شيئا يزول أثره . (الهندية 1/96 ط: زكريا ديوبند)
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband