Home » Hanafi Fiqh » CouncilofUlama.co.za » Baby’s Vomit

Baby’s Vomit

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by CouncilofUlama.co.za

Q: 1. If a baby is exclusively breastfeeding and vomits, will the vomit be najis (impure)?
2. If a baby merely dribbles out vomit (not a mouthful) will the vomit be najis?

A: 1. Yes, it will be najis if it is a mouthful.
2. No, it will not be najis because it is not a mouthful.

This answer was collected from CouncilofUlama.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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