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Method of Solving Dispute

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askmufti.co.za

Q: If my parents aren’t talking to each other for almost a month now and they are unhappy with each other, what should they do so that they can finally be at peace?

A: 1. They should sit down and sort out their differences.
2. If the cannot do it themselves, get a few elder members of the family to sit with them, or
3. Get the local Ulama to assist.

May Allah Ta’aala grant them harmony, Aameen.

Moulana Yusuf Laher

This answer was collected from AskMufti.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Siraj Desai of Darul-Uloom Abubakr, South Africa.

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