We are in a very difficult position in Cambridge University Islamic Society. Shias came into our Islamic Society (Isoc) last year, claiming to want to work in ‘unity’ and they have been voted into our committee this year, although not for positions of President or Vice President. We are not certain from which branches of Shi’ism they are from.We have fears they may be voted in for positions of President and Vice President at the next AGM.
Essentially our question boils down to two options:
A – Should sunnis and shias stay together in Cambridge Isoc? Sunnis are in charge at the moment (President, Vice President). But there is a strong possibility that if we carry on running as we are (sunnis and shias together) that a shia may be voted in as President at the next AGM and hence shias will have control of Cambridge University Islamic Society.
B – Whilst we are still in control, we tell the shias to go back to their own society – Cambridge Ahlel Bayt Society (CABS). They already have that society running but since last year they have also infiltrated our Isoc.
In option A there is a possiblity the could get voted in as President. They can then operate under the recognised ‘Islamic Society’ banner and many would not know that the information provided/speakers invited are from a shia background. This is where our concern lies.
If we are to remain together – should we allow them to invite shia speakers and run shia events under the banner of ‘Islamic Society’?
We would very much appreciate it if you could provide an answer on the basis of this information, as many muslims – and many sunnis sadly – are simply grasping at fatwas of ‘we are all Muslim’ and have not hesitated in giving their support to the shias.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
You should be extremely cautious of the Shias. It is virtually impossible for both the groups to unite and work together because the gulf between us (in terms of our fundamental beliefs) is exceptionally wide. As far as possible, you should endeavour to block their infiltration into your sunni society. Make their agenda known to your sunni colleagues. Enlighten your members of the fundamental differences between the sects.
And Allah knows best
Mufti M. Kadwa
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah