At the moment i have quite a lot of money that i have saved in order to buy a bigger home for my family. I will probably spend most of it over the next few months and will be left with only a small amount for emergencies.
When Ramadhan comes and i will have to pay my annual zakat will i have to calculate it from the amount i had before the home i.e. the saved money or do i calculate from whats left i.e. money left after the home is bought.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
Zakat is due upon wealth that remains after the passing of a complete Islamic year. A few basic conditions are of zakat:
- He possesses the amount of Nisaab that is free from debts at the beginning and end of the year, irrespective if the amount of wealth decreased during the year.
- The entire wealth was not lost during the year. If it was, then the new annual year will begin from the time he possesses nisaab again.
If after the passing of a year after deducting debts, a person has wealth equal to the amount of Nisaab, then zakat will be wajib upon him from that wealth.
In the case mentioned, if you purchased the house before Ramadan, then zakat will be calculated from the remaining wealth after the purchase. However, if it is bought after Ramadan then it will be calculated from the amount before purchase. In other words, you will calculate from what is in your possession at the time when the annual zakat is due.
شروط وجوبها الإسلام والبلوغ والعقل والحرية وملك نصاب حولي فارغ عن الدين وحاجته الأصلية نام ولو تقديرا شروط وجوب ادائها حولان الحول القمري على النصاب الأصلي بحيث يوجد في طرفي الحول ولونقص في وسطه (نور الايضاح ص 120 دار الحكمة)
سوال – تعمیر مکان کیلۓ جمع کردہ رقم پر زکوۃ
جواب – جب تک نقدی کی شکل میں پیسے موجود ہیں زکوۃ فرض ہوگی – لہذا سال کے بعد ادائیگی ضروری ہے ۔ اور انشاءاللہ یہ زکوۃ ادا کرنا مال ميں اضافے کا سبب بنے گا – خیر الفتاوی (3:410)
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah