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Why do we muslims have an edge over others? muslims are fortunate to have been born in a muslim family but what is the fault of someone being born in a non-muslim family?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

A friend of mine, a muslim, asked me a question. I was terribly disturbed because I could not reply to his satisfaction. He told me that we as muslims are fortunate to have been born in a muslim family but what is the fault of someone being born in a non-muslim family? Why should he strive to find out that HIS religion is not correct and he must analyse each existing religion to find out that Islam is the best and true? Why do we muslims have an edge over them? What about the children born in the forests where they have no choice than to follow their parents especially where Islam is not present? What will be their judgement?


Instead of asking why Muslims have an edge over those born in non-Muslim families, you should ask why they have an edge over us.

It is mentioned in a Hadith that a person who was a true Christian or Jew and then accepts Islam will receive a double reward. This is a great favour that Allah had awarded them. Muslims by birth do not have this advantage. Even if their position is accepted to be a disadvantaged one, it should be borne in mind that when a tailor cuts his material, certain pieces are given the noble position of being used for the hat while others are relegated to the level of being used as socks or a handkerchief. The tailor cannot be questioned about this choice, the material is his, thus, he can use it as he sees fit. in the same manner, we are all the property of Allah, who is Our Lord and Master. He can treat us as he sees fit and can grant advantages and distinctions to whom He wishes.

We are all ordered to recognise Allah Ta’ala. If the detailed message of Islam has reached a person, it will be necessary to bring Imaan (belief) on the detailed commandments. If the message of Islam has not reached a person, then it will be necessary for him to affirm that there is one Allah and Creator as Allah has placed various signs in the universe which shows that there is a Creator of everything.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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