Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Advise me to study at a university or at a Darul Uloom for girls or what other institute is there? the Rand Afrikaans University and UNISA offer islamic Studies

Advise me to study at a university or at a Darul Uloom for girls or what other institute is there? the Rand Afrikaans University and UNISA offer islamic Studies

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

InshAllah once i complete matric i intend on doing Islamic Studies, not only to increase my own knowledge about Islam but also so that i can spread my knowledge to the rest of the Ummah inshAllah. Would you advise me to study at a university or at a Darul Uloom for girls or what other institute is there? the Rand Afrikaans University and UNISA offer Islamic Studies. In your opinion would you recommend i do Islamic studies at these institutes? What problems or difficulties could i face if i do Islamic Studies? Please could you comment on the Darul Ulooms for girls in general and could please provide me with a list of the Darul Ulooms and telephone numbers inshAllah. Which Darul Uloom is the best?


Islamic studies at South African universities is limited and a student is
not exposed to many aspects of Islamic studies that could help him/her to
progress in the field. However, as these institutes may teach one many
skills but their content is limited. For content and Tarbiyah, one needs to
look at a Darul Uloom for Girls and a further suggestion is that while you
are studying at the Darul Uloom, you can register for courses at the
university via correspondence, if you are seeking an academic qualification.

The following are the list of the Darul Ulooms for Girls in South Africa:
1. Madrasah Islaahul Banaat, PO Box 24391 Landsdowne 7779 Tel:021-7625497
2. Madrasah Banaatul Islaam, PO Box 4077 Korsten, Port Elizabeth Tel:
3. Madrasatul Banaat, PO Box 3400 Azaadville 1750 Tel: 011-4131364 Fax:
4. Madrasah Muneeratul Islam lil Banaat PO Box 9400 Azaadville 1750
5. Girls Madrasah Zakariyyah, PO Box 10529 Ext.8 Lenasia Tel: 011-8591367
Fax: 011-8591813
6. Madrasatul Banaat, PO Box 1786 Stanger 4450 Tel: 032-5513539 Fax:
7. Madrasah Swaalihaat, 30 Tarndale Avenue, Asherville 4091 Tel: 2097266
Fax: 2097136
8. Madrasah Talimun Niswan, PO Box 8750 PMBurg 3235 Tel: 032-5330435

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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