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Can one study for certification exam in jamat for 40 days or 4 months.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1.Can one study for certification exam in jamat for 40 days or 4 months. 2.what must be done when we r praying 4 sunnah before zohar and jamat starts while we r still in 1st,2nd or 3rd rakath. 3.Can we shake our leg when any insect is biting. specially when we go in jamat in villages there r lot of mosquitos and they take advantage when we r in namaz. 4.Can we say brother with person name to a non-muslim friend only for sake of giving dawah.


1. In principle, it is permissible for one to study for exam while out in
Jamaat. However, it is a proven fact that every deed, action and effort has
its benefit when its guidelines are adhered to. Our advice is that you
should adhere to the Amaal (actions) prescribed by the elders of Da’wah
regarding the queried issue.
2. If a person has already commenced with the Sunnat-e-Muakkadah of Dhuhr
and the Jamaat commences, then he should make Salaam after two Rakaats and
join the Jamaat. And if he already commenced with the third Rakaat, then it
is necessary to complete the full four Rakaats. (Bahishti Zewar vol.2
3. If an insect bites a person while offering Salaat, he is permitted to
catch it and throw it aside. It is not good to kill it while in Salaat, but
if it has not bitten one as yet, one should not even catch it because it is
Makrooh it do so. (Bahishti Zewar pg.144)
4. It is permissible (Ma’ariful Qur’aan vol.2 pg.50)

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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