I am having an exteremely diffficult time of my Life rightnow ? the problem to which Im going through is only Allaah swt knows ? everyone around me saying it is very impossible but my answer everytime our prayers shall be granted , He will answer our Dua?a as everything lies in His hands if He wills He can take us out from that misery anytime He will , no matter what other says its all In Allaah’s hands ?. Our problem is very big but I believe He is the Final Authority anything is possible by Him?..Am I right ? Despite of asking Allaah and my Yaqeen In Him ? it seems others were probably right as our problem is really not getting better rather more tough day to day. Im not a pious person so I wonder why would Allaah listen to me anyway? Finally If you could make special Dua’s for my problem that Allaah bless my family with Relief now , I would be very thankful to You.
Allah ta’ala has promised to answer those who call out to him, however a few conditions have to be met for the acceptance of duas:
1. Staying away from sin
2. Staying away from Haraam food, drink, clothing and wealth.
3. Complete conviction in Allah.
You should bear in mind that Allah sometimes loves it so much when we turn in supplication to him, that he delays answering our duas so that we can get the huge rewards kept aside for those who turn to Allah in their difficult times. It is mentioned that when a person will see, in the Hereafter, the huge rewards he received in return for those dua that were not answered, he would wish that not a single one of his duas had been answered in the world.
Also, from personal experience, we have found that even thought it seems that everything is against you and that things are just getting worse, Allah will soon change conditions for the better, to such an extent that you will realize that if he had changed them earlier, the results wouldn’t have been as fruitful as those attained by him chnging them now.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai