I have great affection to Imam Gazali and I have seen our ulamas referring to Asharee, Maturidis, and Ibn Arabi. It saddens me to see that Imam Taimiyyah, Ibn Qayuum criticized Gazali and others. They criticize Sufi also where as there were many pious persons who were attributed to Sufism. I have great love to Ibn taimiyyah, Ibn qayum also. Can you discuss on this issue.
The Imaam of the Ash’aris is Abul Hasan al-Ash’ari. The Imaam of the
Maturidis is Abu Mansoor Maatrudi. Both Imaams were from the Ahlus sunnah
Wal Jamaa` and Imaams in Aqeedah.
Imam Ghazzaaly, Imaam ibn Araby, ibn Taymiyah and ibn Qayyim (RA) were great
scholars. They had some independent views based on their vast knowledge and
research. It is normal for academics in any field to differ with one
another. That is based on their scholarly approach. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘The differences among my Ulama is Rahmat (mercy).’
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai