1. If one’s menstruation usually lasts for 8 to tens and in Ramadaan had bleeding for 9 days. On day 10 one fasts but some bleedding occurs on the 11th day. Does one have to make qada of the 10th day fast in which no bleeding was to be seen? 2. During pregnancy I had bleeding but at that time was not aware that I was pregnant. Do I have to make qada of the salaah I missed then? 3. Is it permissible to exchage gifts on Eid following with respect of following the sunnah?
1. A female should ideally have one specific menstruation period. That will enable her to fulfil her Shar’ee obligations more easily. To have an indefinite menstruation period of, for example, 8 ? 10 days, leads to confusion. If a woman’s monthly cycle is 8 days, then she should follow that until her habit changes, for example, 7 days. That will now be her new cycle. If a woman’s cycle was 8 days or 9 days and this time she bled on the 11th day, then her period will be considered 8 days or 9 days. Her fast on the 10th day will be valid. The bleeding on the 10th and 11th will be Istihaadha which is not an obstacle for fasting.
2. The bleeding during pregnancy is Istihaadha. Salaat during Istihaadha must be performed. A female in the state of Istihaadha will follow the rules of a Ma?zur (excused person) for making Wudhu.
3. The exchanging of gifts on Eid day should not be regarded as compulsory.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai