Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu I was in love with a girl who convert to Islam for marrying me. I had a registered marriage with her. Alhamdullillah, Mashaallah, I am very happy with her. We have been married for 5 years and have a 2 year old son. Lately they have forgive me and accept us both. Though we stay separately we go and meet them often and sometimes spend the weekends there. My parents also like her a lot and are happy with her. Our main problem is that myself and my wife have been feeling guilty for the past few years for not having a proper Nikaah as per Islam. My parents are under the impression that we have had a Nikaah. If they know the truth (that we have done a court marriage) they will be shattered. I would like to know what should I do now. I cannot go to the local mosque and discuss this because of fear of being misunderstood. I cannot express what I have been going through all these years due to this. During my marriage there was no one from my family who could guide me properly. Can we recite a dua among ourselves for a NIKAH or what alternative would you suggest. I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. Jazakallah Khairun.

Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu I was in love with a girl who convert to Islam for marrying me. I had a registered marriage with her. Alhamdullillah, Mashaallah, I am very happy with her. We have been married for 5 years and have a 2 year old son. Lately they have forgive me and accept us both. Though we stay separately we go and meet them often and sometimes spend the weekends there. My parents also like her a lot and are happy with her. Our main problem is that myself and my wife have been feeling guilty for the past few years for not having a proper Nikaah as per Islam. My parents are under the impression that we have had a Nikaah. If they know the truth (that we have done a court marriage) they will be shattered. I would like to know what should I do now. I cannot go to the local mosque and discuss this because of fear of being misunderstood. I cannot express what I have been going through all these years due to this. During my marriage there was no one from my family who could guide me properly. Can we recite a dua among ourselves for a NIKAH or what alternative would you suggest. I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. Jazakallah Khairun.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu I was in love with a girl who convert to Islam for marrying me. I had a registered marriage with her. Alhamdullillah, Mashaallah, I am very happy with her. We have been married for 5 years and have a 2 year old son. Lately they have forgive me and accept us both. Though we stay separately we go and meet them often and sometimes spend the weekends there. My parents also like her a lot and are happy with her. Our main problem is that myself and my wife have been feeling guilty for the past few years for not having a proper Nikaah as per Islam. My parents are under the impression that we have had a Nikaah. If they know the truth (that we have done a court marriage) they will be shattered. I would like to know what should I do now. I cannot go to the local mosque and discuss this because of fear of being misunderstood. I cannot express what I have been going through all these years due to this. During my marriage there was no one from my family who could guide me properly. Can we recite a dua among ourselves for a NIKAH or what alternative would you suggest. I will be eagerly waiting for your reply. Jazakallah Khairun.


1) The nikah can be simply performed. If there is a trusworthy Aalim in your
community, approach him and explain the situation. He can conduct the Nikah
in privacy, in the presence of two witnesses.
2) If this is not possible, get the help of two Muslim males to stand as
witness. Take them home, in in their presence address your future wife with
these words: “I present myself to you in Nikah. Do you accept”. If she
replies: “I accept”, the nikah will be valid and you will save yourself from
the sin which you were living in. Do not delay in doing this.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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