i was wondering say if one were to penetrate a girl’s vagina and what not but its only for like a few minutes and u dont ejaculate at all, is the guy still a virgin? since there was no orgasm or ejaculation for him
The word virgin is used in the context of a female, not a male. However,
your concern should not be of maintaing the “virginity”or not. It should be
of having committed an act of Zina (adultery) and of tawba(repentance). To
be in isolation with a Ghair Mahram (not prohibited in marriage) female is
haraam, as that may lead to adultery which is a major sin. If a person
becomes intimate and did not ejaculate, that is also Zina (adultery)
irrespective of not having an orgasm or ejaculation. Such a person should
make tawba (repent) sincerely to Allah.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai