I am planning to return to my family and childred in India. I have managed to start a small business in India whcih will Insha Allah take care of my day to day expenses. However, for higher education and marraige of my two daughters and one son, I have kept aside a particular amount. Please tell me if I have to pay Zakat on this reserved amount.
Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
1. Yes, if a year has to pass over those funds that you had reserved for the
marriage or education of your children, you will have to pay Zakaat on it.
(Fataawa Mahmoodiya vol.3 pg.96)
2. Many merits and rewards have been recorded in the various books of Hadith
regarding the recitation of this Surah on a Friday. Hereunder are some of
the benefits of its recitation; a) It shall become a Noor (light) for the
reciter which shall stretch from the earth upto the heavens, b) It will
become a source of light on the day of Qiyaamat, c) All the minor sins
committed since the previous Friday shall be forgiven, d) One shall be
protected from all Fitnahs (trials) for 8 days, e) If the first and last 10
Aayats of this Surah are memorised, then one shall be saved from the Fitna
of Dajjaal. (Ma’ariful Qur’aan vol.5 pg.534; Dehli)
and Allah Ta’ala