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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Hurmat-e-Musaharah in the Light of the Other Madhaahib

What is al-Aqeedah al-Tahhawiyyah?

Are protein powders Halal?

Do I have to repeat my Salat if I perform it without a Topi (hat)?

Does laughing aloud in Salaah invalidate the Salaah? Does lowering the garments below the ankles invalidate the Wudhu?

How can I be like Umar Radhiallahu Anhu?

Is permissible to watch animated porn?

Graphic Designer

What is the Shar’ee ruling regarding taking a 2nd wife?

1)Can I test the presence of a Jinn? 2) Hanafi Books.

Explain/clarify the wisdom or reason why an action can take one out of Islam even if done purely as a joke?

What is the origin of Tashahhud? Are you allowed to keep food uncovered the entire night?

Hadīth on the prohibition of protesting

Doubtful foods

Does the devil grant fame? What is the point of a hijab? Why is music bad? Why do Muslims not eat meat?