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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Given zakat in last Ramdan for the first time on my savings let say Rs. 10,000, after that i’ve switched the job and during this year i’ve saved little amount regularly every month let say Rs. 3000

I just wanted to express my disgust and repulsion towards this statement. Rape is about power, about violence, not about whether you were wearing your hijab or not

Can amulet work as a source of supplication eg. for having children? Is there any evidence of this.

Is the knowledge in lawh-e-mahfooz more than the knowledge given to the last Prophet saws, or is it less?

I have a games store,playstation, xbox and game cube and electronics. This business is halal or haram. please reply me.

A girl who gets marriage only for sake of her parents, and later found that she cant adjust with her husband right from first day itself

30 year old – is it advisable for me to join your or Any Alim course over at South Africa or over here in USA

Who can become an Aamil ? Do they have to be specialized on something ?

Vanilla extract that is added to food, and the food gets baked or cooked, are we allowed to eat it

What is the best answer to this question? “You avoid mix gatherings but go shopping? “

How does a woman count her haidh if she bleeds for 6 days has brown discharge for 3-4 days and then yellow discharge for about 5 days

Would like like know if you read the severn mobeens which are in yaseen for fourty days then yoir duas are accepted

Can i join the coeducational college.if i can study in coed then who should i live there.also who should i treat my teacher(female

Recently i came across a book called the destraction of television. and some of the stories in there really scared me.

Is it allowed to work as a cook when we have to cook pig meat as well?