Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Seekersguidance.org (Page 207)

Answers indexed from: Seekersguidance.org

Question: I have a question regarding the permissibility of men (Shafii and Hanafi) wearing hite gold. This would be in regards to watches specifically. I have heard conflicting opinions, with a reference to tarnished gold being permissible (in Reliance of the Traveller). Could you provide clarification? In addition, I would like to know if men (Shafii and Hanafi) can wear silk ties? Again, I have heard conflicting opinions, one of which indicates the width of the tie ascertains whether it can be worn.

Can I Break My Fast If My Job Makes Fasting Too Difficult?

Burnt Out on: Socks and Beards

Question: I’m looking for answer on first cousin marriage according to Quran and sunnah.  I love my cousin but her mother say first cousin marriage is not allowed in Islam.  According to her mother Allah warns us to beware of cousin marriage danger.  Please explain this for me.  Thanks.

Question: Sometimes I find that I get too lost in deep thoughts, this prevents me from having clarity of thought. Please give me some advice in light of Quran and Sunnah so I can gain an open and clear mind.

Al-Maqal al-Ma’thur fi al-Qawl al-Mashhur