Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Seekersguidance.org (Page 206)

Answers indexed from: Seekersguidance.org

Question: Is the narration “I am by the side of those whose hearts are broken for My sake” authentic? What does it mean?

Question: What role do actions play in salvation?  There are, of course, Muslims out there who have adopted ideas similar to the Christians that belief is all that you need to be saved. What would you advise that I tell them.

Follower Reciting Al-Fatiha in the Shafi’i School

Question: Can you please tell me the Islamic point of view on early Muslims attacking caravans? I get this a lot from non-Muslims and I wish to give them a proper response. Unfortunately, militants also use this reasoning as an excuse to do their militant attacks.

Drinking Beverages With Small Traces of Alcohol (Shafi’i School)

Question: What is the etiquette of reading and handling the Qur’an?

Question: In a class I attended recently, we were told that reciting Surah Yaseen is a sunnah for the sick and dying (in their presence). However, it is not a sunnah not after a persons death. We were told this was a cultural practice and brings no benefit to the deceased. Is this true?

Question: Is it true that all Imams of the Muslims agree upon, that if someone does not pray continuously and fails to perform make up prayers, then he is a kafir even if the believes that the 5 prayers are compulsory? Also, if it’s true, why would someone who did not pray for 20 years or so, have to make them all up, if he was considered a kafir anyway? I ask, because there are fatawa, that suggest to make up all missed prayers for missed prayers, even if for many years. At what point does missing prayers shift from religious corruption to becoming kufr?  Are there clear cut definitions?

Do We Need to Remove Makeup When Making Wudu (Shafi’i)?

Does Growing Hair on the Chin Meet the Criteria of a Beard in the Shafi`i School?

Question: Asalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakahtu. I have been Muslim for eight years now. Before that, I had two failed marriages. As the advice from all Islamic guidance is to marry if able I indeed had nikkah four years ago which ended in a bad divorce a year later. I have been single now for three years, and I want to remain single, but everyone advises me to get married.  I fast two days a week to control my desires. I am quite happy to remain single and not put myself in a vulnerable position again for what will be the fourth time.  My experience has taught me to avoid and mistrust women in general. Am I justified Islamically in maintaining this position?

Discounted’ Debt Transfer

Question: My question is whether or not a Hadiath could abrogate (Naskh)an ayat of the Quran? For example, the ruling of Masah over Regular Socks/leather socks by the hanafis given the Quranic ayat (5:6).

Question: My grandmother is about to die, it seems. How does one deal with death? What can I do for her?

Can Muslim woman teach mixed class