Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Seekersguidance.org (Page 204)

Answers indexed from: Seekersguidance.org

Question: Is the evil eye real? How does one avoid it?

Question: The Concept of Bid’a in the Islamic Shari’a

Question: I am aware that one is closest to Allah during prostration within prayer. I believe it is strongly recommended to supplicate to Allah at this time and though it is preferred to make supplication in Arabic, supplicating in English is permitted as well. Can you confirm this?

Question: Is it praiseworthy to ask to die in Madina and to be buried in Jannatul-Baqi? What is the significance of being buried in a place like Jannatul Baqi?

Question: A friend recently asked me: Why am I Sunni? He was Shia himself. So his question was from the sense of why not any other sect within Islam? I didnt know the answer to this, meaning I didnt know what was distinctive about Sunni beliefs upon which we claim to be right. Any help would be much appreciated.

Question: Can you please clarify what the position is regarding standing at funerals.

Sisters-Only Swimming: What is the Proper Swim Attire to Wear Around Others?

Removing Filth from Private Parts in the Shafi’i School

Shortening Prayers as a Traveler When Praying in Congregation (Shafi’i)

Question: I’m a teenage girl and I have a guy friend of 2 years and I did fall in love with him without meaning to. We talked about marriage in the future but now we are just friends. I don’t have the same feelings for him ever since I turned towards Islam. I know it was wrong of me to become friends with him and to love him, but I’m really trying to become a better Muslim and I tried to end our friendship last year but I couldn’t. I am thinking about it again and I just want assurance that it’s the right thing to do.

Question: There was a recent post stating that women who are pregnant must make up their fast. This differs greatly from something that I’d read in another book. I am confused and would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Question: Regarding the Quran, are there any explicit sayings from the Quran itself, hadith, or scholars regarding placing it on the floor or low places?

On the Risala and the Appendices of al-Umm

Order of Sunnah Prayers in Shafi’i School

Question: “It is also fine to meet someone through school or work or a community gathering as long as the parameters of modest behavior are observed. If you meet someone you would like to discuss marriage with, just arrange for the brother to meet your wali or family.” (Sister  Zaynab, title: How does a Muslim woman find a spouse for herself?) This quote has brought me great confusion. Secret but modest premarital relationships are permissible in Islam? Can a man talk to a girl, get to know personal things about her and get intimate without the consent and awareness of her guardian as long as modest behavior is observed? Also, I’ve been reading about “suitability” in marriage. Can a father refuse a man because he did not satisfy one of the conditions of kafa’ah?