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Applause: permissibility according to its need…

Piercing one’s belly button

Female Congregation

I have read the question and reply regarding giving zakat to close family and I was wondering if the same would apply to a non-Muslim relative? My mother’s brothers and sisters, who are catholics, are going through difficult financial times. Would it be permissible for her to give them zakat to help them, or would the money she sends to them have to be other than the zakat money she pays out?

Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) in the bathroom: is it offensive?

Must we wash the deceased twice if she died while menstruating?

Relinquishment in the Shafi’i school

I committed zina … What should I do?

Is it permissible to keep birds in cages?

Is it recommended to wipe the back of the neck in the Shafii school?

When Does One Become a Mahram Through Nursing?

What is the proper naming of a child?

Removal of uterus due to uterine fibroids

Fears About Burying Dead Animalsl

A comprehensive book of supplications