Home » Hanafi Fiqh (Page 9)

Answers indexed from: Hanafi Fiqh

What is the Islamic stance on taking loans from the government?

Can you perform tasbeeh of istighfar just by saying “استغفر اللہ واتوب الیہ”?

Is it proper to sever off the horns of an animal for Qurbani or shorten it for beauty, according to Shari’ah?

What happens if someone walks on a carpet with toilet slippers or barefoot and their feet are wet?

Is it allowed to use hemorrhoid ointment inside the anus while fasting?

Can I keep money found in my SIM card if I cannot find the owner?

Is it correct to perform Salat-ul-Tasbeeh with one person reciting loudly and others reciting softly? Is this valid salah?

Can you take security deposit from a tenant?

Is speaking ill of the Companions of the Prophet considered disrespectful to Islam?

Will Salah be accepted if a 2m gap between worshipers is required?

Is it permitted for a husband to re-marry his current wife?

Islam will last for 1500 years?

Is earning money through online freelancing (e.g. making logos or web design) allowed in Islam?

Is it permissible to change share percentage of profit/loss in a Mudharabah contract?

Did my brother’s statement to his wife during an argument imply divorce?