Home » Hanafi Fiqh (Page 10)

Answers indexed from: Hanafi Fiqh

Can money from the Ismaili sect be accepted for building a mosque?

What should a son do if his father oppressed him and his family, but now asks for financial support in old age?

What is the ruling on having someone else take an exam for you?

Must someone give Dam if stopped at airport for Umra and sent back home due to COVID-19? Out of Ihram state?

What is the ruling on Zaid, Fatima’s husband, marrying Fatima’s mother who is his father’s wife?

Can a masjid accept donations from someone of the Ithna-Ashariya sect?

Is it okay to stand behind an Imam (in Salah) who has shaved his beard?

Can employment at an institute be bought, even if they don’t take into account merit when hiring workers?

Does one who separates from an extended family get equal share in father’s inheritance?

Can madrasa fund be invested?

Is referring to one’s mother as “Pilgrimage to the Kaba” acceptable?

What is the Islamic view on names of Allah appearing on objects like cows and fruits?

Is Zakat due on a shop with merchandise worth 2-3 lakhs, owned for 8 years?

Is it permissible for a 66 year old woman to go out and view a boy for her daughter’s wedding while she is in her waiting period?

Is it ok to recite Sura-Al-Baqra over the grave?