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Until how long is it permissible to breastfeed a baby on mother’s milk?

Rejection in Love Affair

Time for Starting Qasr

Method of Sitting and Reciting Quraan

In what avenues can interest monies be disposed? I am aware that they need to be disposed without intention for reward. Can they be given to poor Muslim families or Muslim organisations? Do you have to disclose to the family or organisation that it is interest money? Can it be used to pay traffic fines, tax penalties and interest on taxes?

Waiving Debt as Zakaat

Wanting Divorce

Wudhu and Vaseline

Forced Marriage

Imitation Jewellery for Ladies

Spotting in Menopause and Fasting

Umrah Removing Poverty

Aqeeqah in Different Country

I have recently heard about Mut’ah marriage. Can you please shed more light on this?

Zakaat to Family Member