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1)is it permissible to fatiha (read some ayat from quran) with food or water in front n blow on it,

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I have many qts in mind since my childhood which I would like to clarify, 1)is it permissible to fatiha (read some ayat from quran) with food or water in front n blow on it, or it’s a shirk 2)Is it a must in quran for women to wear a nose ring or mangalsutra after marriage 3)who is Goss pakk ? 4)Is it permissible in Islam to pour water on kabr? My friend strongly believes that if he pours water on her mother kabr this will give his mother relief from the fire of hell.5)My friend also believes in singing of ?nath? n lilting a ?diya? chirag on Thursday evenings(This is practiced in region of India n Pakistan) does this make any sense in Islam? 6) What is importance of Thursday in Islam they say that it’s out beloved Prophet PBUH day is this true? If it is true what special dua should be made on this day? 7)My friends also believes that if goes to dargah and visit them often n give fatiha for them on the day of Judgment those pious people will advocate him n he will easily get through all qts asked by Allah n his angels, is this true? I know these e too many qts but I will appreciate if u ans them all because these are the qts in my mind since I m a child n very confused about all these issues may Allah less u for your good work


1. Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] should also read certain Aayaat from
the Qur’aan and then blow on to his right hand, and then rub that hand on
the affected area. However, one must believe that it is Allah who gives the
shifaa cure and not the person or the water/oil and the like. It is not
permissible to recite Faatiha on food, etc. as a custom.
2. For a woman to beautify herself for her husband by wearing a nose ring is
permissible. If this nose ring is to be worn for the reason of imitating
another culture, e.g. Hindu, etc. then such an act becomes prohibited. Nabi
[Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said, ‘Whosoever imitates a nation is of them’
3. Gous paak is the term widely used in the Indo pak subcontinent referring
to Muhyiddeen Abdul-Qaadir Jilani [ra]. At a young age, he left his home and
went to study in Baghdad under prominent Hanbali Ulama. Throughout his life,
people were influenced by his style and content of his lectures. Today,
unfortunately, many people do acts of Bid’at and Shirk and attribute it to
4. Pouring of water on the kabr has no Shari’ah basis. It was during the
time of Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] that when passing by two Qabars
that he heard their punishment and then placed two leaves in the two Qabrs
and made du’aa that they be given rest until these leaves dry.
5. The singing of a naaths and the like on a specific night, like Thursday,
is a Bid’ah (innovation) in Deen. There is no authentic proof in the Shari’
ah that this was the practice of Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam[ or his
righteous companions.
6. It was the practise of Nabi [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] on the night of
Jumu’ah should recite Surah al-Kahf. This Surah is the protection against
the Dajjaal.
7. The visiting of their Darghas, etc. to make du’aa for the buried is
permissible. However, to ask the buried for help or to intercede for you is
not acceptable in the Shari’ah.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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