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Is it allowed for a woman to perform Eid prayer at home ?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Darul Iftaa Jordan
Is it allowed for a woman to perform Eid prayer at home ?

Praise be to Allah, peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon his family and righteous companions: It is allowed for a woman to perform Eid prayer at home since the scholars of the Shafite School of Jurisprudence said: “ It is allowed for an individual, a woman and a traveler to perform Eid prayer.” Offering Eid prayer in congregation is from the Prophetic Sunnah, thus it is recommended that she leads her daughters in offering it. In “Al-Majjmou”{26/5} by Imam Al-Nawawi: “ Is it permissible for a slave, a woman, a traveler and a person to offer Eid prayer at home or else ? The most valid ruling is that it is permissible.

This answer was collected from the official government Iftaa Department of Jordan.

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