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Waladuz zina waalidah ki taraf mansoob hai?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftionline.co.za


1. Mujhe aap se yh puchna tha kh agr koi unmarried shakhs ksi married women se zabardasti zina kre or is se unki ek illegitimate child (daughter) peda ho jb kh us aurat ka shohar na mrd ho aor wh aadmi apni bivi ko bd krdar smjh kr talaq de de to us beti ki attribution ks se maani jaegi uske bioligical father se ya phir apni walida ke shohr se as to this hadith, “Bacha usi ka js ke bstr pr peda hua aor zaani mhrom hai”… And us bachi pr illegitimate child pr uske biological father (zaani) ke kya huqoq honge kya wh apne illegitimate child ko apni beti keh skta hai? aor uski beti apne biological father ko baba keh skti hai? aor agr wh bachi trouble me ho means ghlt haathon me prh jae is wajh se k uske sr pr baap ka saaya nhi ha to kya uska biological father uski madad krskta hai? is waja se ke wh uski beti hai. kya wh us se muhbaat krskta hai? ya phir wh us se blkl la taluq reh jese uske illegitimate child se uska koi taluq nhi.

2. Kya wh shkhs (zaani) apne gunah se tauba krne ke bad usi aurat se shadi krskta hai js se usne zbrdsti zina kya jb ke wh aurat bhi us se shadi krne ke lyie tayar ho or kya unki beti bhi unke sath reh skti hai? is this marrige valid? 



1. Bachchi waalidah ki hogi, ne shohar ki taraf nisbat hogi aur ne zaani ki taraf.

2. Jee.

And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

This answer was collected from MuftiOnline.co.za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa.

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  can you please provide clarification on the below, I have my haircut with scissors all over, however to make it presentable the hairdresser blends the top of my hair with the side of my hair with scissors , it is longer at the top and shorter on the sides and back but there is no visible line to make this noticeable and is not a (short back and side), although it is more than 2 lengths, i have had this haircut all my life and have not copied any celebrity just something that suits my head, and really i do not look like a thug or any of the sort it just looks presentable.  1.      Qaza’ is impermissible because of the following Hadīth:   عَنْعُمَرَبْنِنَافِعٍ،عَنْنَافِعٍ،عَنِابْنِعُمَرَقَالَ: نَهَىرَسُولُاللَّهِصَلَّىاللهُعَلَيْهِوَسَلَّمَعَنِالْقَزَعِ . قَالَ: وَمَاالْقَزَعُ؟قَالَ: أَنْيُحْلَقَمِنْرَأْسِالصَّبِيِّمَكَانٌوَيُتْرَكَمَكَانٌ[iv]   Translation: Umar bin Nāfi’ that Nāfi’ narrates that Ibn Umar radhiallahuanhuma said: Rasulullahsallallahualaihiwasallam prohibited us from Qaza’. IbnNāfi’ enquired: what is Qaza’? He replied: “To shave one part of a child’s head and leave the remaining part unshaven.”   Some of the haircuts mentioned above fall under the ambit of Qaza’ such as the: crew cut, flattop, rattail and mowhawk (when part of the head is shaved).