Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » A Muslim wife misbehaves to a great extent wiht family members and husband. What a huband should do under such circumstances?

A Muslim wife misbehaves to a great extent wiht family members and husband. What a huband should do under such circumstances?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

A graduate wife of a Muslim prays regularly, fasts in Ramadan, attends religious sermons. She lives in a joint family. She has three children in more than eight years marriage life. Early this year she misbehaves with her husband Early, his year she misbehaved in a graeter degree i.e. caught the collor of her brother- in-law(husband’s younger brother) when he stops her to misbehave with his mother, slap her husband many times and abused him (not repeatable). When she abused husband slap her thrice or more. One muslim imam treat her with Quranic verses and it was revealed that her own married sister and brother-in-law made magic on her for quarrel and divorce between us. She behaved in a great responisble sense for almos nine months during which she lost a child. Husband’s brother-in-law donated blood during this when she needed. She did not visit her sister for months. Only last month she visted her and quarrel started again. She left home in anger. When called in the street by husband she refused and abused. She again slaps and abuses husband and family. Her hnads and feet were fasten and her parents were called in to see the situation. She slap them more than once and refused to go with them as well. She was taken forcefully to her parents home on parents will. The girl was in constant demand of divorce during this process. Family is ready to accept her should she realise her wrong doings.


From the details of the question, it appears that wife’s conduct is

We advise that there be a temporary separation between the husband and wife
to enable them to decide their future without being influenced by emotions
of anger and hatred.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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