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Answers with Tag: zamzam

Boiling Zam Zam water

What is the purification of the Prophet Muhammad’s heart?

Making wuhdu with zamzam

Drinking Zam-zam water whilst standing

Wudhu With the Water of Zamzam

Wearing the Topi has been the practice of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi Wasallam

Mixing zamzam with one’s tea

Mixing ZamZam with normal water

Zamzam Water: Does Dilution Affect Its Benefits and Dua Recitation?

Moving the finger in Qaa’idah

Position of the index finger after Tashahhud.

Does white vaginal discharge invalidate the ablution or not?

Is Sajdah tilawah compulsory upon a person who hears the ayah of sajdah over the CD, Mobile?

Tooth extraction during fasting

Do I need to pay zakat on my assets if they are less than the value of my house?