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Answers with Tag: Witr

Please give me authentic hadith prooving that taraweyh are 20 rakath.

I would like to know if listening to nazms such as those by Inayet Petker is alright.

When is iqaamah required?

Should I join for taraweeh those who pray 20 rakats in units of 4(hanafi imam) or those who pray 8 rakats in units of 2(“salafi” imam) or to pray at home 20 rakats in units of 2.

Is the prayer Salat Tasbeeh from an authentic hadith?, I ask because the following site has some doubts regarding this prayer www.islam-qa.com (Question 14320).

1)Is the Salah valid is you move your feet about to prevent losing balance while getting up from Sajdah or Ruku? 2) Can one have a different niyah from the Imam?

Is Taraweeh a nafl salaat? (kindly answer/explain statements 1,2 & 3 in detail)

1. what is the exact proper way of doing qaza? is it different for ishah? 2.can qaza be done at anytime? even during the forbidden namaz times?

What is the ruling if a person forgets to read Qunoot and does not make sajda-e-sahoo?

Why is Witr read in jamaat in Ramadhaan and not other times?

Is this correct way for doing qadhaa? salaat 4Farz (Fajr) 4 Farz(Zohr) 4 Farz(Asr) 3Witr (Magrib) and 4 Farz(Isha)

Please can you advise why it is that only in FARD salaat the third/fourth rakaat you dont recite any surah from the quran?

Is there any alternative to reciting ‘Dua’a Qanoot’in the witar namaz of Isha Prayers?

Recently i read that you have said that it is makrooh to offer prayer in a room having pictures…Does this rule apply to pictures that may be kept undercover

It is recommenned to read nafil salaat on first day of every islamic month during isha before witr can u please teel me the procedure